Ahad 07 Feb 2016 22:46 WIB

PTDI exports helicopter fuselages to France

Foto: Antara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- PT Dirgantara Indonesia has delivered the fifth fuselage for H225/H225M (military) helicopter of French Airbus.

"Helicopter H225/H225M formerly known as EC225/EC725 is a new generation helicopter of NAS332 Super Puma," the company's MK II Airbus Program manager, Yulianto Soekarno, said here on Sunday.

He said the fifth H225/H225M fuselage delivery was part of the 125 fuselages that PT DI has to deliver until the end of the contract in 2025.

Since 2008, Eurocopter now known as Airbus Helicopter has trusted PT DI as its partner for the development of the production of upper and lower fuselages and tailbooms.

According to the plan PT DI will deliver 125 fuselages and 125 tailbooms for H225/H225M within 10 to 16 years.

Before delivering the assembled fuselage for H225/H225M PT DI has handed over 45 tailbooms, 10 units of upper fuselage and four units of fuselage.

Yulianto Soekarno said PT DI is able to meet an integrated fuselage order within six weeks and so within 1.5 months it could deliver one integrated fuselage to France.

"PT DI is not only able to assemble but also make raw materials into a finished product," he said.

He said the initial process started from PT DI's Production Area II when raw materials are formed into single parts at Detail Part Manufacturing Division of the Production Directorate.

From the same complex components are made at Machining Division before the two products are assembled at H225/H225M Helicopter Final Assembly Hangar at Production Area IV.

PT DI workers handling the H225/H225M components total 220 people with university and senior high vocational school education background and 80 percent of them are young people.

Airbus Helicopter has also stationed its personnel at PT DI since the program started.

The contract from Airbus Helicopter secured by PT DI for H225/H225M components is worth US$45 million, Yulianto said.

PT DI is one of the suppliers of H225/H225M components that include companies from Spain and the Middle East, he said.

sumber : Antara
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