Rabu 17 Feb 2016 10:23 WIB

Rescue workers searching for crew of boat sinking off Papua


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TIMIKA -- The Search and Rescue (SAR) agency of Timika, has sent a vessel, the TRB 217, to search for 13 crew members of the KM Azula sinking in the sea off the Asmat regency, Papua, on Tuesday.

Operation chief of the Timika SAR office Hendra Salawane said the RB 217 with 17 rescue workers, would join other SAR teams in the search for the missing crewmen of the ill-fated KM Azula.

The Timka SAR office has also sent three units of long boat and a speed boat from the Asmat police and another speed boat from the Asmat district administration.

Also taking part in the search was the district military unit, the communications service, and the district disaster control agency (BPBD).

"This morning we will continue with the search. Earlier this morning the weather was not very friendly. It was cloudy and dark with stormy rain. Now, however, the condition is better. The sky is clearer allowing the rescue team to move," Hendra said.

The location where the KM Azula sank was around 8 miles from the nearest coast, he said.

"We also asked local people for any information they have about the sinking boat and its crewmen," he said.

Search started on Tuesday immediately after report was received about the incident.

"The whole day yesterday , we were in the sea searching but the result was zero Today we would continue the search, hoping we would find survivors," he said.

KM Azula was reported to have stranded on Saturday night at around 20.00 local time and it leaked after hitting rock in shallow waters.

The 13 crewmen of the boat are identified as Abdul Rachman Hakim (the skipper), Dimas Apriyona (navigators 1), Fasal (navigator 2), Agus Dwiuntoro, Aris Untori , Dani Purba , Muhammad Muntoha, Ahmad Fausi, Muhammad Aprisal, Samson Ambarita, Nuzakir, Anggit Restu Dianto and Taufik Nur Hidayat.

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