Senin 21 Mar 2016 23:30 WIB
Tokoh Perubahan Republika 2015

Erick Thohir: 'Tokoh Perubahan Republika' exhales spirit of optimism

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/ Red: Didi Purwadi
President Director of Republika, Erick Thohir, gives speech in the ceremony 'Figure of Change Republika 2015' di Djakarta Theater, Jakarta, on Monday (21/3).
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
President Director of Republika, Erick Thohir, gives speech in the ceremony 'Figure of Change Republika 2015' di Djakarta Theater, Jakarta, on Monday (21/3).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Director of Republika, Erick Thohir, said the ceremony 'Figure of Change Republika' (Tokoh Perubahan Republika) is a routine tradition that has lasted since 2005.

The purpose of the event is to appreciate figures that showing the work and dedication in their work and deliver benefits and inspiration for the wider community.

"Figure of Change more widely held to exhale the spirit of optimism and high confidence as the capital for a nation," said Erick on Monday (21/3).

There is five Figure of Change Republika 2015. They are an alim from West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Tuan Guru Haji Hasanain Juaini; environment activist Hotlin Ompusunggu; Gojek CEO, Nadiem Makarim; group band Slank, also Communications and Information Minister, Rudiantara.

Erick explained the optimism and high confidence could be the capital so that a nation can rise up and flourish. Thus, a country could outperform other countries.

"It is time for Indonesia move forward and not inferior to other nations," said President of Inter Milan.


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