Selasa 22 Mar 2016 22:42 WIB

Taxi driver demonstration, VP: This is life

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Jusuf Kalla
Foto: Antara/Widodo S. Jusuf
Jusuf Kalla

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Demonstration thousands of conventional taxi drivers on the existence of transportation-based online beginning Tuesday (23/3) morning. Demonstrations cause congestion on some streets and anarchist.

Vice President Jusuf Kalla said that the existence of technology that nowadays can not be avoided. Therefore, according to him, the government needs to adjust the rules for the use of technology in public transport services.

"Just how to adjust the rules, or the rules are modified because there should be changes. All the changes so we must live. Well, this is life," said Vice President familiarly called JK on Tuesday.

JK said the emergence of increasingly advanced technology can not be avoided. For, if its use is unavoidable technological developments precisely Indonesia will be left behind. However, use of this technology needs to be regulated.

"Technology can not be challenged, stay organized, but can not be eliminated because once the technology we are challenged or not we use then we will be left behind," he said.

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