Kamis 07 Apr 2016 15:57 WIB

Offered to fly again by Etihad Airways, this is Dwi Ariyani answer

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: News

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- On 4 April, cabin crew Etihad Airways reject to fly disability activist Dwi Ariyani to Geneva because not accompany with companion. After a lot of protest, on Wednesday (6/4) Etihad Airways offering Dwi to fly to Geneva.

"What for to fly again? The moment already pass," said Dwi Lawyer from The Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH Jakarta), Pratiwi Febry on Wednesday.

Pratiwi said at first Dwi will going to Geneva to fulfilled invitation and training at Convention on the Right of Person with Disabilities that held by United Nation (UN) in Geneva.

Dwi, Pratiwi continued, attend training not as ordinary participant but as trainer that will disseminate her knowledge to many person after return to Indonesia.

"The loss not just for Dwi, but disable group that in Indonesia also that be a target for sharing knowledge," Pratiwi added.

Pratiwi said the offer for Dewi fly to Genewa will be rejected. Because the training moment from UN in Geneve already pass and will be useless if Dwi fly to Geneva.

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