Jumat 08 Apr 2016 19:05 WIB

Indonesia launches four marine surveillance vessels

Foto: abc news

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Marine and Fishery launched four new surveillance vessels as a part of the armada of the Indonesian Fishery Inspection Vessel System (SKIPI) to guard the nation's waters from illegal fishing practices.

"I want the SKIPI to contribute more in securing our oceans and EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone), so that illegal fishers are aware of our presence as we are serious about guarding our waters," the minister of marine and fishery stated here on Friday during the launch at Tanjung Priok Port.

The minister revealed that the vessels will be deployed to guard the waters of Natuna and Arafuru as well as some border areas.

The country plans to have 10 such vessels and will build two or three every year.

The vessels are designated as ORCA 01, ORCA 02, ORCA 03, and ORCA 04.

"The designation ORCA has been derived from killer whales, which are nimble yet vigorous," Acting Director General of Marine and Fishery Resource Surveillance of the Ministry Sjarief Widjaja remarked.

Every ship would be manned by 24 crew members, of which 15 would be superintendents from the ministry who are trained by Indonesian military and marines.

The vessels are 60 meters long and are capable of cruising the ocean at a top speed of 25 knots.

The vessels will be deployed to guard the western and eastern waters of Indonesia.

Widjaya emphasized that with the addition of four vessels, the ministry was currently operating 35 surveillance vessels across the Indonesian waters to guard its marine resources.

sumber : Antara
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