Jumat 08 Apr 2016 22:48 WIB

Govt trying to maintain tax receopts from non-oil/non-gas sector

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Bambang Brodjonegoro
Foto: Republika/Yogi Ardhi
Bambang Brodjonegoro

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government will make every effort to maintain tax receipts from the non-oil/non-gas sector in anticipation of the declining tax accruals from the oil/gas sector in 2016, Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said.

"We will maintain tax accruals from the non-oil/non-gas sector as tax earned from the oil/gas sector, including non-tax state revenues (PNBP), will automatically decline," he said here on Friday.

Efforts to maintain tax receipts from the non-oil/non-gas sector include upholding the law against personal and corporate taxpayers who have not paid their taxes, he said.

"We will focus on personal taxpayers and later foreign investment companies that have never paid tax in the past 10 years and intensify the process to register new taxpayers," he said.