Rabu 20 Apr 2016 17:14 WIB

Jokowi holds gathering with Indonesian community in London

Red: Julkifli Marbun
President Jokowi (m)
Foto: Pramono Anung/Twitter
President Jokowi (m)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) held a gathering with the Indonesian community at the residence of the Indonesian ambassador to Britain in London on Tuesday evening.

"We are working on two areas: deregulation and infrastructure development," President Jokowi informed the Indonesian community at the gathering.

He affirmed that the government will be consistent in implementing deregulation by continuing to issue economic policy packages.

"The government has unveiled 11 economic policy packages, and more are expected to be rolled out," the president remarked at the gathering, attended by Indonesian Ambassador to Britain Rizal Sukma.

Also present at the gathering were Coordinating Minister for Economy Darmin Nasution, Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi, Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro, and Capital Investment Coordinating Board Head Franky Sibarani, among others.

According to the president, the government will also continue to develop infrastructure across the country.

"If the infrastructure is available, then the logistics costs will be lower. Now, our logistics costs are still higher than those in Malaysia," he pointed out.

On the occasion, several people posed questions related to scholarships to study in the United Kingdom, among others.

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