Ahad 24 Apr 2016 17:55 WIB

Telkom crosses Rp 100 trillion in 2015's income

Logo of PT Telkom Indonesia (illustration)
Foto: telkom.co.id
Logo of PT Telkom Indonesia (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Tellkom) reported a 14.2 percent increase year-on-year in consolidated income to Rp102.47 trillion in 2015.

"For the first time Telkom crossed the level of Rp100 trillion in income," Alex J Sinaga, president director of the state-owned telecommunication company said.

Telkomrecorded good performance better than the average performance of industry, Alec said after an annual general meeting of its shareholders here on Friday.

The shareholders agreed to distribute dividends around 60 percent or Rp9.29 trillion of its total net profit of Rp15.49 trillion in 2015.

The remaining 40 percent or Rp6.2 trillion of the net profit were retained to strengthen its capital, Alex said.

He attributed the strong performance of the country's largest telecommunication company to investment in broadband infrastructure.

"This is the fruit of investment by the corporation in building broadband infrastructure in its bid to make itself a leading player in digital business," he said.

Segments of data, internet and IT service contribute 37.5 percent to the increase in its financial performance , he said.

The corporation also recorded an increase of 12.6 percent in earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBTIDA) to Rp51.42 trillion.

In 2015, Telkom set aside Rp26.4 trillion for capital expenditure or 26 percent of its total income to build infrastructure with focus on supporting data service.

"The entire achievements were attributable to two digit growth of cellular business of subsidiary Telkomsel, digital business through Indonesia Digital Network (IDN), and international business," he said.

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