Ahad 24 Apr 2016 18:03 WIB

BKKBN : ermanent contraception acceptors to increase

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Kontrasepsi KB,pil KB.Suntik KB. (Republika/Musiron)
Foto: Republika/Musiron
Kontrasepsi KB,pil KB.Suntik KB. (Republika/Musiron)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Family Planning and Population Agency (BKKBN) has predicted that the number of permanent contraception acceptors will increase with the presence of the National Health Insurance (JKN).

"Now the cost for family planning services with permanent contraception methods such as vasectomy and tubal ligation (tubectomy) is borne by the Health Insurance Management Agency (BPJS Kesehatan), BKKBN Chief Surya Chandra Surapaty said here on Saturday.

Surya made the statement after attending a scientific meeting of the Indonesian General Practitioners Association that discussed the role of the BKKBN in the JKN era towards the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

He said that it was mentioned in the Presidential Regulation on JKN that one of the health services was family planning service.

The family planning service is provided by the BPJS Kesehatan but the contraceptives should be made available by the BKKBN.

The services included counseling and contraception services, namely on vasectomy and tubectomy. They were basically promotional and preventive services.

Therefore, Chandra said, his office would continue to popularize the birth control services with long-term contraceptive methods.

He hopes with the services the number of permanent family planning acceptors would increase.

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