Rabu 04 May 2016 11:09 WIB

Govt to build 500 meter long breakwater in Kupang

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: penabiru.com

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUPANG -- The Public Works and Housing Minister has agreed to build 500 meter long breakwater along the beach of Namosasin, in the sub-district of Alak in the city of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara.

"During his visit here on Sunday the public works and housing minister promised to provide the budget for the breakwater project," Kupang Mayor Jonas Salean said here on Wednesday.

Jonas said the minister agreed to build the breakwater after inspecting the location in the beach, which has been developed as a tourist destination in that area.

Jonas said the breakwater is important for the security of the local people and tourists visiting that area.

He said the Kupang city administration already built a 200-meter long breakwater in that location but the beach area needs longer breakwater to prevent abrasion and protect the people living along the beach area when the tide is high.

"Therefore, we asked for the additional breakwater wall and the minister agreed," Jonas said.

Meanwhile, chairman of the Commission V of the House of Representative Farry Djemi Francis during his recent visit to Kupang, also expressed support for the construction of a number of public work projects in that area including breakwater.

Farry said the Commission V and the Public Works and Housing Ministry have agreed to provide aid to build breakwater in Kupang.

The beach of Namosain was formerly only a place for garbage disposal has been transformed into a beautiful beach resort.

In that location, the city administration has built various facilities such as resting area , park , lamps and public toilets.

The city administration hopes that the location could attract more holiday makers to Kupang , Jonas said.

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