Jumat 06 May 2016 07:16 WIB

Indonesian Ambassador presents credentials to Venezuelan President

Nicolas Maduro
Foto: AP/Fernando Llano
Nicolas Maduro

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Venezuela, Mochammad Luthfie Wittoeng, presented a letter of credence and a letter of recall to Bolivariana Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro on Wednesday.

Mochammad presented the two letters to Nicolas at the Miraflores Presidential Palace in Caracas, the Chief of the Political, Protocol and Consular Section at the Indonesian embassy in Caracas, Fauziah Rahmah Muin said in a press statement released on Thursday.

On the occasion, Mochammad was accompanied by his wife Diana Kusumadewi Luthfie and Fauziah.

Mochammad presented the letter of credence and the letter of recall to President Nicolas, along with the German, Guyana, Egyptian, and Mexican ambassadors to the country.

The Indonesian ambassador was the last to present the documents as per his arrival in Venezuela.

President Nicolas warmly welcomed Mochammad and accepted his letter of credence.

At his 15-minute meeting with the President, Mochammad conveyed warm regards from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the Indonesian people and expressed Indonesia's commitment to enhancing bilateral ties between the two countries.

He also praised President Nicolas for giving him a chance to present the two documents 10 days after his arrival in Venezuela.

In response, President Nicolas underscored the importance of mutual support and cooperation to strengthen relations between the two nations.

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