Senin 09 May 2016 11:56 WIB

'Do not let girls alone'

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Korban perkosaan (ilustrasi).
Korban perkosaan (ilustrasi).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALEMBANG -- Women's Crisis Center (WCC), the Advocacy Center Women's Rights in Palembang, South Sumatra urge parents who have daughters not to let their children at home or traveling alone.

"Never let the girls home alone or go out to the shop and other places without accompanied by adults to protect them from the crime threat and sexual violence," said the chairman of WCC Palembang Yeni Roslaini Izi, Friday (6/5).

She said, sexual violence anytime threatened the children and women. That’s why necessary preventive act to close chance of sexual violence.

If always accompany the children of women in their activities, both in and outside the home, and there are people who intend to doing sexual violence can be prevented and even the perpetrators can be reported to the nearest police officers.

He explain that sexual violence against women, especially young women in recent years is quite high reached more than 100 cases. Young women who experience sexual violence range from Junior High School (SMP) students to university students. The young women become victim sexual violence, among others treated denigrated by her boyfriend, sexual abuse, and rape.

Sexual assault victims who seek help WCC, given advocacy assistance if it is to take legal action and given psychological treatment to overcome her trauma.

Based on cases of sexual violence were handled Palembang WCC in recent years, they encourages parents and girls are not afraid and ashamed to report to officials of the police if to be victim of sexual harassment and rape.

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