Selasa 17 May 2016 16:00 WIB

Fishermen say Jakarta Bay reclamation project still running

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The fishermen in Muara Angke said reclamation project in the Bay of Jakarta is still ongoing. Whereas, the government some time ago had sealed three artificial islands reclamation projects in the Bay of Jakarta. All three islands are Island of C, D, and G.

Coordinating Minister for maritime and Resources Ramli previously had already asked developers to stop its activities on that islands.

"The project keeps ongoing. It seems instruction of moratorium from the minister was ignored by developers," said one of the fishermen in Muara Angke, Castam, to, Sunday (15/5).

In recent days, Castam continued, he and his fellow fishermen witnessed number of heavy equipment are still active in Island of G.

They see that activities start after sunset.

"Every day we monitor construction project G Island from Pantai Mutiara (Pluit). From our observations, equipments loke backhoe still busy around buryinf the sand on the island," he said.

Castam revealed, the developer today still continues to market the property, which is plan to be built on the island G.

"According to the information we have obtained from the marketing office in Green Bay Pluit (Agung Podomoro Group), the price of one unit of building on the island of G reach Rp 9 billion, "he said.

Previously, Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya has sealed Island C, D, and G on Wednesday (11/5). The sealing as a follow-up of the government's moratorium on reclamation projects in the Bay of Jakarta.

Siti said the construction of artificial islands was stopped because the number of violations found by the ministry. Among the violations was the non-compliance of environmental impact assessment (Amdal) by the developers in the implementation the project.

"Physical violations must be corrected and Amdal must also be changed. So, an environmental permit from the Governor of Jakarta should be changed,’’ she added.

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