Ahad 22 May 2016 14:18 WIB

Pertamina takes strategic steps to boost Pertamax sales

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Dede Lukman Hakim

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The sales increase of high octane gasoline, Pertamax and Pertalite, is boosted by the strategic step taken by state-owned oil/gas company Pertamina in lowering their prices.

"Pertamina has continued to reduce the difference of Pertamax/Pertalite price and that of low-octane Premium. It has cut the prices of Pertamax and Pertmax plus by 22-23 percent," Ferdinand Hutahaean, the executive director of Energy Watch Indonesia, said here on Sunday.

He said that price difference surely had influence in the sales increase of Pertamax series and Pertalite. "Price is a very important component for the people in deciding the type of gasoline they will consume," stated Ferdinand.

Ferdinand said the fact in the field showed that even luxury cars often used Premium, this low octane gasoline was actually not suitable for the specification of their vehicles.