Ahad 22 May 2016 14:18 WIB

Pertamina takes strategic steps to boost Pertamax sales

Foto: Dede Lukman Hakim

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The sales increase of high octane gasoline, Pertamax and Pertalite, is boosted by the strategic step taken by state-owned oil/gas company Pertamina in lowering their prices.

"Pertamina has continued to reduce the difference of Pertamax/Pertalite price and that of low-octane Premium. It has cut the prices of Pertamax and Pertmax plus by 22-23 percent," Ferdinand Hutahaean, the executive director of Energy Watch Indonesia, said here on Sunday.

He said that price difference surely had influence in the sales increase of Pertamax series and Pertalite. "Price is a very important component for the people in deciding the type of gasoline they will consume," stated Ferdinand.

Ferdinand said the fact in the field showed that even luxury cars often used Premium, this low octane gasoline was actually not suitable for the specification of their vehicles.

Therefore, price factor is still quite dominant. Many still consume Premium. "But now, with a small price difference, consumers choose to use gasoline with better quality," Ferdinand said.

So, he said, the increase in the sales of Pertamax series could not yet be claimed as the result of consumers? awareness of the gasoline types that are suitable for their vehicles. In fact, they are aware of this, but price remains the dominant factor for them to decide fuels for their vehicles.

On May 15, 2015, the difference between the prices of Pertamax and Premium was Rp2,200 per liter. But on May 15, 2016, the difference has been reduced to Rp900 per liter only.

Corporate Communication Vice President of Pertamina, Wianda Pusponegoro, said in a written statement on Wednesday that the increase in the consumption of the octane-92 gasoline showed that the people had made their own choice keeping in mind their vehicles' performance.

Pertamina cut the price of Pertamax to Rp7,350 per liter on May 15, 2016 from Rp9,300 per liter on May 15, 2015 for Jakarta area.

According to Wianda, the price of Pertamax is now becoming more and more competitive, compared to the price of Premium gasoline at Rp6,450 with octane 88.

Pertalite gasoline with octane 90 also showed positive sales performance. Up to April 2016, Pertalite consumption reached 600 thousand kiloliters per day. "We have been supplying Pertalite through 2,956 refueling stations (SPBU). Each SPBU could sell some 2.5 kiloliters per day," said Wianda.

On May 15, 2016, Pertamina lowered the prices of Pertamax gasoline by Rp200-Rp300 per liter, effective as of 00:00 on Sunday, May 15, 2016.

According to Wianda Pusponegoro, the lowering of the prices was a periodical corporate decision, in keeping with the trend in world crude prices.

"The prices of Pertamax were lowered by Rp200 per liter for Java, Madura and Bali islands and by Rp300 per liter for other regions," she said.

She cited Jakarta and its surroundings as an example where Pertamax price was lowered from Rp7,550 per liter to Rp7,350 per liter. In Surabaya, East Java, the price was lowered from Rp7,650 to Rp7,450 per liter.

Pertamina also cut the price of Pertalite gasoline by Rp200 per liter in all regions.

"The price of Pertalite in Papua which was initially sold at Rp7,300 per liter has been lowered to Rp7,100 per liter," she said.

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