Ahad 22 May 2016 17:46 WIB

Banyuwangi provides BCC to reduce violence against children

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: wikipedia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANYUWANGI – Banyuwangi Regency is forming Banyuwangi Children Center (BCC) to reduce the number of violence on children at that district.

BCC is an integrated task force since the complaint to the handling of cases involving violence case on children across sectors. Namely, local government, law enforcement officials, community and religious leaders, to teachers, students, and health workers.

"Report if there is violence on children, neither in neighbors, school, or anywhere else," said Banyuwangi regent Abdullah Azwar Anas in a written statement received by Republika on Friday (20/5).

He said the BCC has prepared call center number and SMS at number 082139374444. People can complain about number of issues of violence on children, such as sexual and physical violence. The number distributed with brochures, banners, and published in village halls, schools, mosques, churches, temples.

BCC, he continued, also has group of local governments, police chiefs in district, chief prosecutor, and head of the court.

He added, the news of violence on children should be serious concern.

The reason is according to the National Commission for Child Protection, reported as much as 21.68 million cases of child rights violations in Indonesia in the last five years, where 58 percent of them, are cases of sexual violence.

"I feel pity when read the news in the media in recently. Therefore, we move quickly to collect all that there is serious concern related to the problem of violence on children. All must be involved, including the entire village chief who knows the urgency of this special handling," Anas said.

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