Selasa 24 May 2016 18:57 WIB

Police arrests narcotics abuser

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Pancoran Police, South Jakarta arrested the man by initial of IN (19) allegedly involved in the crime of narcotics in PLN Duren Tiga street, Pancoran, South Jakarta.

Head of  narcotics unit in South Jakarta police, Vivick Tjangkung say, the officers seize one package and one rolled illicit marijuana 3,25 grams and six marijuana plants as much as 116 trees as high as 10-20 centimeters.

"The suspect does not confess if there is other evidence. But the result of our investigation, at his parents' house still caught planting marijuana," Vivick told reporters in Pancoran police station, on Tuesday (24/5).

Viviek explained police arrested suspects when on patrol on Sunday (22/5) at 02.00 am. On the patrol, police stopped a motorcycle driven by the suspect and his friend AMI (14 years old). After search of IN, police found one package and one rolled marijuana.

Then, IN and AMI were detained to Pancoran police for further questioning.

After questioning suspect IN, police going to his home and secure six marijuana plants in pots IN’s house. Furthermore, the marijuana was immediately taken to the Police Pancoran. "The marijuana tree purchased from someone with the initial AN in Manggarai, South Jakarta, only just Rp 5.000. Now AN is still in fugitive," Vivick said.

IN threatened with Law Number 35 of 2009 on narcotics Article 111 paragraph 1 and 2 with the threat of imprisonment for minimum of five years and maximum 20 years and minimum fine of Rp 8 billion.

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