Kamis 26 May 2016 20:23 WIB

Ajip Rosidi returns Habibie award

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Ajip Rosidi  (Republika/ Agung Supriyanto)
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Ajip Rosidi (Republika/ Agung Supriyanto)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Humanist Ajip Rosidi returned Habibie Award in money and medal  to the human resource of foundation in Science and Technology Habibie Center (Yayasan SDM-IPTEK). The award that he received in the cultural aspect in 2009 is also returned via security guard of Habibie Center, Tri Susilo on Thursday (26/5).

"Nobody would accept (the award) and I left to the security guard,"Ajip stated in press conference at the Center of Historical Documentation (PDS) H.B Jassin Jakarta, Thursday (26/5).

Previously, Ajip claimed has made an appointment with the chairman of human resource foundation in Science and Technology Habibie Center, Wardiman Djojonegoro. Unfortunately, he does not in that place.

In principle, Ajip calimed to be proud of BJ Habibie, who every year often gives Habibie Award to scientists, artists, and humanist. Especially when he was named the recipient the award in 2009 in the culture aspect.

But he said become disappointed when the jury was gave the award to Prof. Nina Lubis in 2015. Ajip think, Nina is not the right figure to get Habibie award. Because, Nina has made various acts of plagiarism on the books that she ever wrote.

For example, on the book statesman from Village of Love which is basically the work of her student, Elly Maryam. Elly Maryam from Padjdjaran University (Unpad) is writing the thesis The Role and Thought Mohammad Sanusi Hardjadinata in Politics in Indonesia (1945-1985) in 2003. But her name does not mentioned in the book and written in the name of Nina.

Nina had also been doing the same thing in the writing about KH Nur Ali. Ajip added, Nina has summarized all of romance that writen by Pramoedya about Tirto Adhi Soerjo to be her writing.

"She wrote the book very recklessly," Ajip said.

He stressed that Habibie is an extraordinary figure who is he very proud of. But, he added, this case make BJ Habibie’s good intentions had been exploited by private interests.

"Habibie award has been conceded," Ajip said.

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