Ahad 29 May 2016 08:06 WIB

Minister: Identity of pedophilia will be announced

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Khofifah Indar Parawansa
Foto: Antara
Khofifah Indar Parawansa

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANJARMASIN -- Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Khofifah Indar Parawansa said the government will publish pedophilia identity as additional penalty to perpetrators who have committed sexual abuse on children repeatedly.

Khofifah said, pedophiles will be charged under the child protection law in accordance with this regulation. Besides, for those who committed the sexual crime repeatedly, then the punishment will be added  with the publication of the identity by placing his picture in public places.

"It is intended the societies can be aware of the perpetrators and keep their children in order not to be next victim," she said on Friday (27/5).

Thus, she added, it is possible the photo of pedophiles can be fitted in these markets, gas stations, and other place. This is applied in several countries.

She also explained that the punishment castration for rapists is an additional penalty after the perpetrators was convicted guilty and received sentence in accordance with child protection legislation.

Besides sentenced to jailed, the perpetrators be punished chemical castration for two years. After that, they can continue their reproductive activity.

‘’So, we enforce the chemical castration will not break the reproductive functions of the perpetrators," Khofifah added.

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