Ahad 29 May 2016 11:15 WIB

Activist: Masela block should not lead to new-colonialism in Maluku

Block Masela
Block Masela

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, AMBON -- The development of the Abadi gas field of the Masela Block in Maluku Province should not lead to neocolonialism, a local activist said.

"The development of the Masela Block should improve the welfare of the local people in the future, not turn out to be adverse and create neocolonialism," Director of the Archipelago Solidarity Foundation (ARSO), Engelina Pattiasina, said in a public lecture at the Pattimura University (Unpatti) here on Saturday.

Engelina, who was a speaker at the event where Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Rizal Ramli was the key speaker, said the people of Maluku are still trapped in poverty. Therefore, a big and bold breakthrough is needed to improve their welfare.

"Maluku's spices gave birth to colonialism in the past and its fish created slavery. (At least it could be seen in the Benjina case.) Hopefully, the oil and gas in Maluku would not create neocolonialism," she said.

According to Engelina, the Masela Block should add momentum to the efforts to realize the present government's Nawacita (nine national priorities) program and to fulfill the message of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, that says the country's abundant natural resources should be used for the people's prosperity.

She said that the development of the Masela Block should become of the main pillars of economic growth in Maluku in the future.

Engilina, who is a former legislator, said the gas field, believed to be one of the world's largest, should have yield double the benefit for the people of Maluku.

The Coordinating Maritime Affairs Ministry confirmed that two weeks ago it had prepared the development plans for Masela blocks' neighborhood in Maluku by accelerating the development of transportation infrastructure, other supporting facilities and human resources.

The expert for Regional Development of the Coordinating Maritime Affairs Ministry, Bambang Susanto Priyohadi, noted that it had coordinated with the related ministries and institutions to boost development in the region.

"Apart from infrastructure development, it is necessary to prepare government instruments and human resources in the region," he stated at a discussion with journalists.

To expedite development in the area, Priyohadi said it was working with the National Development Planning Agency, which had prepared development plans for the area around the Masela Block.

The development efforts encompassed the establishment of a vocational training center to churn out skilled human resources to support industrial development in the region.

"We will change the paradigm of development in the region to become a driver of economic growth in Maluku," he affirmed.

Haposan Napitupulu stated that the paradigm for the management of natural resources should be changed from the scheme of dredging, suction, cutting, and exports to one that offers more added value.

Thus, the development of the Masela Block area was expected to serve as a driving force for economic growth in the region.

"Hence, a change in paradigm will not only help to generate money but will also act a driving force for economic growth and development in the region," he added.

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