Senin 30 May 2016 22:49 WIB

Chicken and egg prices up ahead of Ramadan

Rep: MGROL70/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BADUNG -- Prices of essential commodities, including chicken meat and eggs at market places in Denpasar, Bali has increased ahead of the holy month of Ramadhan.


At Badung Tjokroaminoto market, Depansar, on Monday (30/5), Chicken meat prices started to increase up to 20 percent and the prices of eggs also rose up to two thousand rupiah per slice of chicken eggs.

A trader of chicken eggs, Saniki said Monday before the welcoming of the holy month of Ramadhan prices of chicken meat and eggs began to increase 20 percent.

“Previously, the price for chicken meat per kilogram was Rp30 thousand, but because of Ramadhan the price is now Rp33 thousand per kilogram,” said Saniki.

The price war of chicken meat and eggs has already began in the past two weeks, complained the chicken seller. Traders suspected that the rise in prices of chicken meat is because of the low stock of chicken in Java and Bali. As for the price of sea fish type like snappers, it had relatively increased in the price range between Rp 45-46 thousand per kilogram.  

The increase was also accompanied by the price of chicken eggs, which ranged ranged previously around  Rp 30 thousand per slice now beginning to rise to around Rp 34 thousand per slice.

“One slice stuffing of 30 eggs, increases in its price is also felt since the last two weeks for the traditional purposes of praying in temples,” said a trader of chicken eggs, Gusti Ayu Sukarni.

Suhartanto, one buyer who sells local food in Denpasar confessed, he was forced to raise his prices on his product to reduce the losses due to the rising of chicken meat ahead.

Traders hope that relevant parties could soon stabilize prices ahead of Ramadan food needs because chicken meat and eggs is a commodity that many people depend on. 

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