Kamis 02 Jun 2016 18:08 WIB

Indonesia's anti-tapping encryption products showcases in Singapore

Foto: Agung Supriyanto/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG -- Several Indonesian anti-tapping encryption products are on display at the information technology (IT) and digital business fair called CommunicAsia 2016 in Singapore from Tuesday, May 31 until June 3, 2016.

PT Indoguardika Cipta Kreasi (ICK) is one of the eight Indonesian IT companies participating in the exhibition, President Director of ICK Agung Setia Bakti noted via a text service to Antara here on Wednesday.

"Indonesia is represented by eight IT companies and community in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry. ICK, a pioneer in developing anti-tapping technology in Indonesia, is taking part in the fair," Agung remarked.

ICK's media relations officer, Imam Bukhari, noted that Indonesian IT companies are showcasing a variety of communication, business, and animation applications at the largest technology exhibition in Asia.

For instance, an Indonesian company Inkubator Kreasi & Inovasi Telematika (Ikitas) Semarang is showcasing a smart payment application for business purposes, while Malang Creative Fusion brings an animation product that the company claims to be as powerful and smooth as the one produced by the world-class company Pixar.

Meanwhile, ICK is showcasing a variety of applications and encrypted communication devices.

The company's anti-tapping communication technology products on display are an anti-tapping mobile phone with SMS Guard, Guard Chat, and Voice Guard features; Radio Guard; Virtual Private Network Guard; and TiO (Three in One) Guard, among others.

Some 1,840 companies from around the world are participating in CommunicAsia 2016.

"By taking part in such an exhibition, Indonesia will be able to demonstrate to the world its IT products, which are qualified and capable of competing with those produced by developed countries," Director of Research and Production of ICK Sudjoko added.

sumber : Antara
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