Kamis 02 Jun 2016 20:06 WIB

President hopes Lhokseumawe special economic zone will develop

President Joko Widodo
Foto: Antara/Agus Bebeng
President Joko Widodo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LHOKSEUMAWE -- President Joko Widodo said it is his hope that the Special Economic Zone in Lhokseumawe of Aceh Province will see continuing development.

The President made his statement during a speech at the inauguration of the 184 MW Gas Powered Power Plant in Arun on Thursday.

Jokowi said the area should be revived because PT Kertas Kraft Aceh, PT ASEAN Aceh Fertilizer and PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda are operated in Lhokseumawe and help to increase the area's economy.

The President also said that the government continues to face challenges to support the needs of industries, including the lack of available gas supplies.

The President noted that he believes the government can provide the needed gas after determining a variety of economic issues.

Jokowi also said the potential for development of the power plant in Aceh Province is still being discussed.

The President noted that if the economic potential in Aceh can be fully developed, regional economic conditions will also improve.

Jokowi added there are several options in power plant construction, such as the water powered generator in Peusangan of Central Aceh and the geothermal powered generator in Seulawah of Aceh.

"When the local government constructs the power source, I believe industry in Aceh, particularly Lhokseumawe, can become more developed as investors become interested in joining the industry," Jokowi said.

sumber : Antara
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