Jumat 03 Jun 2016 22:28 WIB

Kivlan urged to report to police on PKI emergence

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Kivlan Zen
Foto: Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra
Kivlan Zen

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Retired major general Kivlan Zen has been urged to report to the police due to his knowledge about the emergence of the banned Indonesia Communist Party (PKI) in the country.

"He had better report because community members may not take their law into their own hands. Report to the police so that legal actions could be taken," National Police spokesman Inspector General Boy Rafli said here on Friday.

He noted that the police could not prevent Kivlan Zen from speaking to the media regarding the banned organization, but he suggested that Kivlan might discuss the matter with police.

Boy noted that the police have not remained idle, but have cooperated with the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and are monitoring events regarding the communists.

"We always conduct early detection through intelligence operations, so any phenomena that develops in the community will not remain uncovered," he said.

Kivlan Zen had told the media that a political party claiming to be the PKI was established two weeks ago. He said the party's office is located on Jalan Kramat in Central Jakarta and is being led by Wahyu Setiaji.

"They have formed a party with a structure built from central to village levels, led by Wahyu Setiaji," Kivlan said.

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