Rabu 08 Jun 2016 19:43 WIB

Langkat police arrests two suspects for possessing 21kg marijuana


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LANGKAT -- Police in Langkat in North Sumatra has arrested two suspects along with 21kg of marijuana which was to be transported to Palembang, South Sumatra Province.

"The duo was arrested during a raid in front of the Sei Karang traffic post," Chief of Drugs Unit of the Langkat Resort Police, Adjunct Senior Commissioner Supriyadi Yantoto said here on Stabat, the capital of Langkat district, Wednesday.

Local police stopped a Putra Pelangi bus heading from Aceh to Medan and conducted an inspection on board.

The two suspects behaved suspiciously while the police officers were on board the bus, Yantoto said.

After questioning the suspects, identified as MK (22), resident of Urong Bayu Hamlet, of Sangkelan Village, Banda Baro Subdistrict of North Aceh, and BK (19), resident of Panjo Idi Hamlet, Paloh Mambu Village, Nisam Subdistrict of North Aceh, police seized 21 packages of marijuana weighing 21kg from their luggage.

The two admitted to possession of these packages of marijuana, Yantoto said.

MK said that the illicit leaves, harvested from his own land, were to be sold to a person in Palembang.

They face more than five years imprisonment if found guilty.

Previously, the local police of Langkat had arrested three persons allegedly transporting 150kg of marijuana from Aceh to Medan.

DN was arrested on Saturday (June 4) with two female passengers, who are still being investigated by the police. They were arrested while traveling in a minivan carrying license number BK 1215 ZP when police conducted a raid on Trans Sumatra highway.

The police stopped the minivan in front of the Besitang police precinct on the highway and asked the driver to show his driving license and vehicle license.

While the police were checking the documents, the suspects drove away, but were later arrested from an area falling in the jurisdiction of Tanjungpura police precinct.

The passengers were identified by their initials as D (27), a resident of Gayo Luas in Aceh, and his two girl friends, identified by their initials as SS (21) and AS (15), both residents of Medan, capital of North Sumatra province.

Yantoto said the illicit goods were to be delivered to a person in Medan in lieu of DN Rp10 million.

However, SS and AS said they just wanted to go on a vacation in Aceh with DN.

If found guilty, they may be sentenced to 20 years in jail, life term or may even face death penalty.

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