Kamis 09 Jun 2016 18:19 WIB

Experts yet to identify Flore's prehistoric human fossils

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Yousuke Kai

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- The local authority and experts are yet to identify the prehistoric human fossils found recently in Soa Basin, Ngada Sub-district of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara.

"We still need complete data. But, based on its teeth fossils, it classifies as Homo sapiens," Fachroel Aziz, an expert on vertebrate of the Geology Museum of Bandung, stated here on Wednesday night.

The expert team is still studying whether the pre-historic human fossils had any relation to Homo floresiensis as the two have a similar short stature.

"We hope further research will be conducted to help us find the other fossilized remains and name it," Aziz remarked.