Kamis 09 Jun 2016 20:11 WIB

Fire burns kiosk in ITC Cempaka Mas

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: allvoices.com

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A kiosk in the ITC Cempaka Mas building, Suprapto Street, Jakarta was on fire, on Thursday (9/6). The flame burned bags that are sold at the kiosk.

"The fire burns a stall on the ground floor. That kiosk is selling bags," Head of the Operational of Fire and Disaster Management Central Jakarta, Mukhtar Zakaria said to Republika.co.id, on Thursday (9/6).

Mukhtar added, no casualties on the incident, only material losses amount of Rp 40 million.

"No casualties, only loss as much as Rp 40 million," he said.

Mukhtar said the fire burning kiosks around 10:15 am. However, less than an hour the fire was extinguished by four fire trucks.

"We do not know how many bags are burned. The numbers can not be recorded, but according to the owner of the kiosk is amount of Rp 40 million," he added.

Allegedly, the fire happens due to short circuit electrical. When the flames were happening, ITC crowded with visitors. It make the ITC's visitors were panic.

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