Jumat 10 Jun 2016 19:33 WIB

President calls for acceleration of 35 thousand-MW power plant projects


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TANGERANG -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has reiterated his call to accelerate the completion of 35 thousand-megawatt (MW) power plant projects.

"I always say that I persevere to accelerate and complete the 35 thousand-MW (projects) across the country," the president stated while attending a groundbreaking ceremony of the Lontar Extention #4 Steam Power Plant in Lontar Village, Kemiri, Tangerang, Banten Province, on Friday.

Jokowi said he had pushed for the accelerated development of the projects as from high altitude in the evening, he had noticed several areas of Indonesia still engulfed in darkness.

It meant that several Indonesian children were facing difficulty in studying in the evenings as their homes had no access to electricity, he pointed out.

Many small-scale and micro businesses had also failed due to lack of electricity supply in rural areas and kampongs, he added.

Therefore, Jokowi is committed to achieving the target to supply 35 thousand-MW of power.

The head of state has urged regional administrations to support the projects, which will help to boost the economy in their areas.

Jokowi has instructed relevant ministers and the president director of State Utility Company PLN to conduct frequent on-field inspections to identify problems and seek solutions.

Several ministers, including State Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno and Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Sudirman Said, were part of the presidential entourage in Banten.

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