Ahad 12 Jun 2016 20:13 WIB

11 passengers of LCT ship evacuated

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SAMARINDA -- The search and rescue (SAR) team evacuated 11 missing passengers of landing craft tanks (LCT) ship were drowned in the territorial waters of Tanjung Mangkaliat, East Kutai, East Kalimantan, on Thursday (9/6) at 08:00 am.

Head of Operations of The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas)  of Balikpapan SAR Office, Mujiono has confirmed, all 11 people in LCT Kariya Star 3 was successfully evacuated on Saturday morning (11/6) around 08.00 am local time.

"All these 11 people missing after LCT Kariya Star 3 reportedly drowned in the waters of Tanjung Mangkaliat on Thursday (9/6). But all of 11 passengers were found on Saturday morning at around 06.00 am local time by the 'tugboat' 69 and evacuated at 08.00 am local time," Mujiono said on Sunday (12/6).

He said, all of 11 passengers found alive. They are in good condition and healthy.

''All of 11 passengers are now in evacuation process to Tanjung Redeb, Berau district," Mujiono said.

Mijiono said, all passengers and crew members were survived. SAR office at Balikpapan, he added, has been coordinating with the regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and social affairs department to prepare tents for temporary accommodation for the victims of the sinking of LCT.

"We have coordinated with Berau administration to prepare temporary accommodation to the passengers and crew members," Mujiono added.

He added, ship LCT Kariya Star 3 was sank in the waters of Tanjung Mangkaliat on Thursday (9/6) due to bad weather.

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