Selasa 14 Jun 2016 18:40 WIB

Setting agenda cornering Muslims must be addressed

Rep: MGROL70/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/ Darmawan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Sufism expert and Professor of Paramadina University Dr. Abdu Hadi called for Islamic scholars to voice out an action on the condition of Muslims today. According to him, there are conditions which are constantly seen trying to corner the Muslims as intolerant and outdated parties that must be addressed immediately.

"I feel and see what happens during this Ramadan that there is planned effort to corner people. People are left unprotected and left alone to be bullied  by the media. So at this point Muslim scholars needed to speak wisely to the public before the the condition is worsen and dragged further towards social and racial conflict, "said Abdul Hadi, in Jakarta, Monday (13/6).

According to him, Muslim scholars will need to speak to the public. They don’t need to feel afraid if accused of being intolerant, undemocratic, or other pejorative accusation. Instead people need protection from those who really wants to degrade the role of Islamic teachings.

"Remember all that is now happening is setting an agenda. Therefore it is appropriate for Muslim scholars to immediately voice out the condition that is happening right no. Imagine, the eviction of street merchant stalls as a serious issue, whereas the eviction of hundreds of homes, shops, and businesses near the Islam old village in Jakarta (also around Market Tanah Abang - Red) are ignored even hailed out. It's obviously disturbing injustice and should make Muslim intellectuals to initiate an action, "said Abdul Hadi.

He also thinks the role of the government in power today is to be expected. They seem to have their own agenda and did not consider the importance to maintain the feelings of Muslims.

"Look at what the government, the current president  response to these injustice? there is no action, is there not?  They let injustice happened. And it must be remembered, if later nothing happens then the loss is their own. People of non-Muslims will definitely be harmed," said Abdul Hadi.

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