Ahad 19 Jun 2016 06:18 WIB

Indonesian scientist registered to Nobel Prize nomination

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Dr Taruna Ikrar
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Dr Taruna Ikrar

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Scientist from Indonesia, Dr Taruna Ikrar, became one of the researchers whose work was ubmitted by the University of California to fill the opportunity of nominations Nobel Prize 2016 in medicine.

"Yes, It has been proposed by the University of California, in the category of Optogenetic, Physiology of Medicine," Taruna Ikrar told to Republika on Saturday (18/6).

Taruna, a lecturer at the University of California, Irvine, USA, is one of the team that successfully developed optogenetic laser stimulation. Besides Taruna, there are two other people were involved in these research namely the scientist from Stanford University, Dr. Ivan Soltesz, citizens of Hungary and the US and, Dr Amar Sahay, a US citizen, a scientist from Harvard University.

Taruna explained, optogenetic is a method to make the active or non-active nerve cells (neurons) in the brain by using specific light spectrum.