Rabu 22 Jun 2016 21:14 WIB

Ministry socializes medical emergency phone number for travelers

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Indonesian Health Minister Nila Djuwita F Moelek
Foto: Antara/Puspa Perwitasari
Indonesian Health Minister Nila Djuwita F Moelek

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOLO -- Indonesian Health Minister Nila Djuwita F Moelek has socialized medical emergency number for the travelers of Eid homecoming. The medical emergency number is intended for travelers who need the help of medical treatment quickly. Especially for those who suffered a traffic accident.

"Medical emergency number is ready to provide assistance at any time, especially when accident happen," Nila said after visit Terminal Tirtonadi and Solo Balapan railway station, in Surakarta, Central Java, on Wednesday (22/6).

To get this service, she continued, the travelers can call number 119.

Then, the closest officers going to the traveler's site and immediately give first aid. She continued, medical emergency number service has been spread across 27 districts/cities. She hope the facility could reduce the number of dead victims due to traffic accidents. Besides, she added that during Eid homecoming this year, the Ministry of Health has prepared a number of health posts, especially along the homecoming flows in the North Coast area (Pantura).

Nila also asked the terminal and railway station can give the best service to the passengers who in tired condition. Therefore, health facilities become an important thing that must be established in the terminal and railway station.

"We have been checked all health facilities and in good condition, so top priority is give the service to sick travelers," she said.

Besides, drivers of public transport are expected healthy when carrying passengers during Eid this year. She added, many accidents happen because the driver in tired condition. Therefore, driver's condition must be checked before driving.So, can be directly reported to the Minister of Transportation Ignasius Jonan.

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