Rabu 22 Jun 2016 21:34 WIB

Hundreds of illicit drugs seized in Sukabumi

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SUKABUMI -- Sukabumi Police officers seized hundreds of illicit drugs on Tuesday (21/6) night.

"When we were doing a raid and found a man brought a total of 470 illicit drugs of Tramadol," Chief of Sukabumi Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant (AKBP) Rustam Mansur told to reporters on Wednesday (22/6).

While arrested, the young man was on the road in Sukabumi District, West Java. Rustam added, to possess the illicit drug, a person must have permission from doctor.

These drugs categorized in type G and must be purchased with a prescription. However, in practice, the drug is used to sedative.

Further, Sukabumi police officers will coordinate with the Department of health and drugstores. The target, the circulation of these drugs can be sold in accordance with regulations.

"This action is necessary because the residents who consume Tramadol type continuously will endanger the health. Especially cause damage to brain cells," he said.

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