Kamis 23 Jun 2016 21:26 WIB

Ministry to disseminate COP 21 agreement in Palu

Foto: Rony Muharrman

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALU -- Indonesia's Ministry of Environment and Forestry plans to disseminate the follow up of the climate change's Conference of Parties (COP) 21 in Palu on Thursday.

The COP 21 follow up dissemination will also be carried out in 16 provinces in Indonesia, starting in June and will end in July.

The event will be attended by hundreds of participants involving regional heads, the head of the working unit, provincial/district and the city legislators, representatives of universities, civil community elements, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and representatives of the company.

According to the ministry's spokesperson for the event Hendri Bastaman, the 2015 COP 21 Paris Agreement aims to stop global warming to an extent that it does not exceed 2 degrees Celsius.

Central Sulawesi is also a province that is directly involved with the United Nations (U.N.) Program on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation or U.N.-REDD++ Program implementation.

"So it is not likely to hamper the pace of global warming by the government alone, but all parties have a responsibility, because all will be affected by the climate change," Hendri said.

He added that climate change that is officially recognized at the international level is prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The panel itself has prepared a report on the comprehensive assessment reports every five years.

Besides, the panel also produces special reports that examine specific issues and methodology reports, which provide practical guidance for greenhouse gas calculation.

The latest final assessment report is the fifth assessment report (Assessment Report 5 or AR5) was issued in four parts gradually, starting from September 2013 until November 2014.

Scientists are still arguing about the causes of climate change in the Assessment Reports 1 to 3.

However, since the release of the Assessment Report 4 and 5, it was agreed that climate change is caused by human behavior, Hendri noted.

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