Selasa 28 Jun 2016 19:52 WIB

Transmigration area could be the new economic center

Rep: MGROL70/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Marwan Jafar
Marwan Jafar

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Transmigration area is likely to be the center of the new economy. Minister for Rural Development and Transmigration, Marwan Jafar said before setting into transmigration areas, first ascertained that the site has high economic potential.

"Transmigration area is a reflection of productive areas. It's just that these areas are still isolated so it looks like there no future. Whereas natural potential is very high if it is managed, "he said in Jakarta, Tuesday (28/6).

According to him, there are three criterias that must be met before assigning a location to transmigration areas, first make sure the land is clear and clean (no problems legally), liveable, well worth growing, and well worth the effort.

"Before departure, prospective migrants are also given training in advance in accordance with the potential transmigration areas that will be addressed. If the potential in the plantations that we will practice to administer the estate, if there is potential in our seas then we trained to manage marine products, "he said.

Minister Marwan pointed out, that the potential of the land to be developed for a resettlement program in the state border areas of Borneo, is in the area of permanent forest production (FP). This region has fertile soil, so it would be very productive to be managed.

Unlike the Transmigration Area in  Paguyaman beach in the district Boalemo, province of Gorontalo, that is similar to marine products. Thus, transmigration in this area is using the concept of fishing.

"This location is in the coastal areas is very potential for the development of the fishing patterns of fishing and aquaculture. The point is that if it is managed just fine, then natural potentials in transmigration areas will yield very high. It could even be the centres of the new economy," he said.

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