Rabu 29 Jun 2016 21:00 WIB

Narcotics agency rehabilitates 42.429 drug addicts

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Yasin Habibi/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEIRAMPAH -- The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) through rehabilitation institutions and communities have rehabilitated as many as 42.429 drug addicts from various regions in Indonesia since 2015 until June 2016.

"BNN through rehabilitation institutions owned by the government and communities already rehabilitate thousands of addicts and narcotics abuse in all over Indonesia," Vice Regent of Serdang Bedagai Darma Wijaya said in Seirampah, on Wednesday (29/6).

Darma Wijaya said on Commemoration Day of Antinarkotika International (HANI) 2016 when read out a written speech from Head of BNN Commissioner Budi Waseso. He said, BNN with all its limitations continue to make maximum efforts in order to save the future of the Indonesian nation from the threat of drug abuse. Some things achievement has been done to handle drug problems such as in the prevention of drug abuse with efforts to increase the expansion and intensification, communication, information, and education (KIE). While sector of communities empowerment as one of the alternatives that will be the focus reduce rate of illicit drug in Indonesia.

In 2015 until June 2016, as much as 705 people in prone areas and vulnerable to drug abuse have received training of capacity building community empowerment efforts in improving life skills.

"In the combating sector, in the period 2015 to June 2016 has been revealed a total of 1.015 cases of narcotics, that handled by the BNN, both in central or provinces," he said.

BNN acknowledged still many things that need improvement and efforts also work hard together. He realized the problem to curb the threat of narcotics must be done with integrated and need commitment and seriousness and realized with steps and strategic ways, such as promoting the spirit of honesty.

"We trying to keep the spirit of nationalism and patriotism in maintaining the rule of state law by enforcing the rules of law and is not part of the problem of narcotics crime," he said.

sumber : Antara
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