Senin 06 Jun 2016 22:16 WIB

Bekasi Mayor requests private hospitals to allocate space for poor patients

Rep: MGROL70/Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BEKASI - Mayor of Bekasi Rahmat Effendi instructed all private hospitals in the area to allocate 10 percent of its maximum capacity for poor patients.

"I've asked directly to the manager of a private hospitals in order to provide 10 percent of their capacity of third class services at the hospital to accommodate quota for poor families," said Rahmat Effendi in Bekasi on Sunday (5/6).

It was said Rahmat when an audience with the board of directors Gobal Awal Bros Hospital Bekasi in his office.

According to Rahmat, the financing of healthcare for the poor in the local area are now guaranteed by the local government health card program and a Certificate of Letter of Declaration of Poverty (SKTM).