Rabu 20 Jul 2016 21:44 WIB

Minister still focuses on revaccination process

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: MGROL72

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Health Minister (Menkes) Nila Djuwita F Moeloek has confirmed still focusing to finish revaccination. This program is short-term solution to solve the effects of fake vaccines.

"We can do one step, gives revaccination as a form of immunization program," Nila said in the Ministry of Health building, Jakarta, Wednesday (20/7).

When asked about the demand of the health guarantee of children from its parents, Nila also emphasized that the vaccine program should continue.

"Children who under two years old should still be immunized. And for those over two years old and have been ill, immune have been formed," she continued.

Responding to the intention of parents who wish to sue, Nila reluctant to comment further. He simply stated, lawsuits have entered into the realm of law and will be answered legally.

Previously, Nila said has been begun to provide guidance to 14 private hospitals as recipient of fake vaccines. Nevertheless, in terms of managerial coaching is still awaiting the results of the judicial process.

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