Jumat 22 Jul 2016 22:38 WIB

VP presents environment awards on Wolrd Environment Day

Jusuf Kalla
Foto: Republika/Raisan Al Farisi
Jusuf Kalla

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SIAK -- Vice President Jusuf Kalla presented 167 environment awards at World Environment Day commemorations held in Siak District, Riau province, on Friday.

The awards include 10 "Kalpataru" awards for individuals and community groups, and 11 "Nirwasita Tantra" awards for cities, districts and provinces, in recognition of their reports on the environmental conditions in their respective regions.

Other awards include the Adipura, issued to 123 districts and cities, and the Adiwiyata Mandiri 2016 for 23 schools.

Vice President Jusuf Kalla presented the awards, in the company of environment minister Siti Nurbaya.

"I hope these awards could give us all stronger motivations to improve our living conditions in the future," he told the recipients.

He said he also hoped that these awards could be used to evaluate how to plan for the future among those who have yet been recognized.

Additionally, the Kalpataru award for environmental pioneering went to Sadiman from Wonogiri district in Central Java, and DR Gamal Albinsaidl from Malang, East Java.

Additionally, the award for environmental service went to Yohanes Wambrauw from Biak Numfor, Papua, Jasman from Solok district in West Sumatra and Neneng Anengsih from Buleleng, Bali.

The award for environmental salvaging was given to Tani Wonga Mengi farmers' group from Ende, East Nusa Tenggara province, Yohasap Paritie from Yapen Islands, Papua and Alam Sehat Lestari Foundation from North Kayong district, West Kalimantan.

The award for environmental maintenance went to Mohamamd Shokib Garno Sunarno from Kudus district in Central Java and TGH Hasanain Juaini LC from West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.

In commemoration of World Environment Day, which celebrated the theme "Save Plants and Wildlife, Go Wild for Life," Vice President Jusuf Kalla placed the corner stone to mark the beginning of construction of a monument honoring the handing over of the Siak Sultanate to the government of the Republic of Indonesia, and signed a plaque at Zamrud National Park.

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