Jumat 05 Aug 2016 22:07 WIB

A drug dealer arrested in police's dormitory

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Police have arrested a drug dealer, Fetranis Hakmonie or Isak in Dormitory for Police ex Mobile Brigade, Cilincing Subdistrict, North Jakarta.

West Jakarta Police Spokesman Commissioner Sungkono said the drug dealer was arrested on Monday, August 1, 2016 at 04:00 p.m.

"The police have been arrested of a man who distributed the illicit drug of methamphetamine," Sungkono said in a statement on Friday (5/8).

Sungkono explained the narcotics were revealed by investigators of Cilincing police after received information from residents of the dormitory that the offender is a drug dealer and he was at the scene.

"We saw the perpetrator at the scene, we were seized the evidence and recognized by the perpetrator and he was used methamphetamine," he explained.

Moreover, he continued, the offender also admitted that money amount of Rp 500 thousand which found by police at the scene is also the result of selling methamphetamine. In fact, he said, the perpetrator also admitted that he was a drug dealer. The arrests were carried out in accordance with article 114 of Law No. 35 of 2009 about narcotics as a follow-up on reports numbered LP No. 139 / VIII / 2016 / Cili.

Offender is worker and live at the National Police's dormitory. Police were seized some evidence of which form two glass pipe containing white crystals with a gross weight of 2.88 grams. In this case, police also secured a rolled which suspected marijuana with weighing 0.35 grams, the mobile phone contain sms orders, cash money as many as Rp 500 thousand from the sale of illicit drug, three sheets of papir paper, three matches blue gas, and one scoop of methamphetamine.

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