Rabu 10 Aug 2016 16:23 WIB

Malang Immigration Office deports a Turkish

Rep: Christiyaningsih/Rr Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Ani Nursalikah
Malang Immigration Office Class I has deported a Turkish citizen Tiflis Kemal on Wednesday because his parents ask him to return to Turkey.
Malang Immigration Office Class I has deported a Turkish citizen Tiflis Kemal on Wednesday because his parents ask him to return to Turkey.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MALANG -- Malang Immigration Office Class I has deported a Turkish citizen Tiflis Kemal on Wednesday because his parents ask him to return to Turkey.

"Kemal had a passport at the Embassy of Turkey last year, but because he couldn't take it at Jakarta, he reported to the Malang Immigration Office," Head of Malang Immigration Office Monitoring Sub-Section Guntur Sahat Hamonangan said on Wednesday in Malang, East Java.

Kemal's mother is from Malang and his biological father is a Turkish citizen. His parents met while both of them were working in Saudi Arabia. In 2000 or when Kemal was six years old, his mother took him to Malang and lived with his grandmother.

Her mother then returned to Saudi Arabia to work. At that time, Kemal's only identification paper was a passport belonging to Asnifa, his mother with his picture as a little kid. Then Immigration Act 2011 was passed and replacing the Immigration Act 1992. Now Kemal has returned to his father's homeland.

"Kemal can’t choose citizenship because his parents were married after he was born," Guntur said.

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