Kamis 01 Sep 2016 21:37 WIB

Two more are caught related to online gay prostitution

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
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Foto: Foxnews
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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Police have arrested two more pimps who run online gay prostitution in Bogor, West Java. The suspects offered children as sex worker via Facebook.

"Last night we have arrested two man in Ciawi market. They are related to the first suspect, AR," National Police Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) Director for Special Economic Crimes Brig. Gen Agung Setya said at Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Thursday (1/9).

Agung said the last two suspects were identified as U and E. He added U is a pimp who helped AR running online prostitution for homoxesual. Both U and AR provide boys to their customer. 

"Just like AR, U exploit boys," said Agung.

However the main provider is still AR with total 99 children. According to Agung, U only has four boys. All of them are offered to gay customer. 

Furthermore Agung said, E helped prepare bank accounts for AR. This account is used to accommodate the incoming money from their customers.

E daily routine is selling vegetables. "He is greengrocers. Initially, the children were asked to sell vegetables, but they want extra money so E invited them to be sex worker," Agung said.

Agung said that just like AR, the two suspects will be charged with sexual crimes for the boys with article Human Trafficking Law, the Child Protection Law, Pornography Act, and the Money Laundering Act.

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