Selasa 06 Sep 2016 17:18 WIB

Transportation ministry to prevent Zika virus outbreak at seaports, airports

wisatawan  berjalan melewati thermal scanner sebagai upaya antisipasi penyebaran virus Zika di Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta di Tangerang, Jumat, (2/9).
Foto: AP / Tatan Syuflana
wisatawan berjalan melewati thermal scanner sebagai upaya antisipasi penyebaran virus Zika di Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta di Tangerang, Jumat, (2/9).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Transportation Ministry will take preventive steps at seaports and international airports to contain the Zika virus, whose cases have been reported in Southeast Asia in the past few days.

Special Staff for International Relations and Public Communication at the Transportation Ministry Dewa Made Sastrawan noted in a written statement here on Tuesday that the ministry has coordinated with the Health Ministry and related organizations to maintain vigil to prevent and minimize the impact and spread of the Zika virus.

Made revealed that the health units at public ports and crossings in Batam and the main international airport in Indonesia have installed mass thermal scanning equipment to detect and monitor the body temperature of passengers from Singapore and Malaysia, with a peak tolerance limit of 38 degrees Celsius.

"The passengers arriving from Singapore and Malaysia at ports in Batam and the main international airport are required to undergo screening and fill a Health Alert Card (HAC) to monitor the health conditions of the passengers at the embarkation points in Singapore and Malaysia," he remarked.

Meanwhile, cargo aircraft departing from Singapore and Malaysia to the main international airport in Indonesia are required to undergo disinsectization, and the flight crew have to report to the control tower at the destination airport in Indonesia if there are passengers or crew members suspected of experiencing health problems as a result of contracting the Zika virus when the aircraft was airborne.

"In future, the ministries of transportation and health as well as the authorities and managers of ports in Batam and the main international airport in Indonesia will continue to coordinate to monitor the possible spread of the Zika virus among people using means of sea or air transportation at the embarkation points in Singapore and Malaysia," he added.

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