Rabu 14 Sep 2016 20:57 WIB

Despite of controversy, government to resume G Island reclamation

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Thousand of fishermen and NGO activist sealed G Island as symbol of their protest on the reclamation of Jakarta Bay on Sunday (17/4). (Republika/Yasin Habibi)
Thousand of fishermen and NGO activist sealed G Island as symbol of their protest on the reclamation of Jakarta Bay on Sunday (17/4). (Republika/Yasin Habibi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- On Tuesday (9/13) night, Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister Luhut Binsar Panjaitan said the governemt has given green light to PT Muara Wisesa Samudra (a subsidiary of Agung Podomoro Grup) to resume the G Island reclamation project. "This is our final descision," he said.

The decision was made five month after the project was suspended due to regulatory and environmental concern. Luhut said the environmental study has been performed. He believed no other obstacle to continue reclamation.

University of Indonesia Student Executive Body (BEM) said government has abandoned the Administrative Court's verdict.  "That is equal to harassing and violating the law," University of Indonesia student executive body (UI BEM) head Arya Adiansyah said in a press statement received Republika.co.id, last night.

In the other hand, a couple months ago, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has asked the project, including G Island, to be stopped.

"Up until today, there no single recommendation from Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fishery (KKP) that allowed reclamation in Jakarta Bay," said Deputy Knowledge Management of People's Coallition for Fishery Justice (Kiara), Farid Ridwanuddin.

Menwhile, based on the copy of the document obtained by Republika.co.id, Minister Susi actually recommended to stop the construction of artificial islands.

She gave her recommendation letter to Rizal Ramli, the former Coordinating Maritime Affair Minister, on July 22. "Five days after the letter was sent, the president took Rizal Ramli off. We believed the dismissal was linked to the reclamation," said Farid.

Therefore, Farid urged all the results of studies and evaluations that Luhut has conducted in relation to reclamation of G Island must be opened to the public in transparent manner. "People has the right to know the study and anyone who is involved in the assasment," he said.

Farid thought it was odd to have such a drastic change within less than two months.


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