Selasa 27 Sep 2016 18:35 WIB

‎‎Republika and Mataram University cooperates promoting role of LPS

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati, M Nursyamsi/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Head of Republika Newsroom Elba Damhuri (middle) was one of the speaker at the deposit insurance program workshop at Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Tuesday (9/27).
Foto: Republika/ Irfan Junaidi
Head of Republika Newsroom Elba Damhuri (middle) was one of the speaker at the deposit insurance program workshop at Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Tuesday (9/27).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MATARAM -- Rector of Mataram University (Unram),‎‎ Prof. Ir. H. Sunarpi, Ph.D, has received Republika delegation team led by Chief Editor, Irfan Junaidi, and Newsroom Head, Elba Damhuri.

Senior Executive Vice President of the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS), Suharno Eliandy, also attended the meeting held at the Mataram University, Jl Majapahit, Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Tuesday (9/27).

Irfan explained the presence of Republika's team and LPS to Mataram were to cooperate in a series of events at the city.

"We expressed our highest appreciation to the Unram Rector. We have submitted a plan for event at the Unram that will be held tomorrow," he said.

Suharno added, LPS has been exploring memorandum of understanding (MoU) with a number of State Universities (PTN). He hoped the MoU with Unram will be one of the priorities.

Unram Rector Sunarpi welcomed Republika and LPS. He talked about education nowadays, where Unram has set standards each year to measure the quality of lecturers performance.

"The standards must be met," he said.

Sunarpi said the same standard should also be met by school teachers.

Meanwhile, starting this year, he added, Unram provides banking subjects such as the deposit insurance agency to new students.

"We also give the anti-corruption education, character building, and drugs-free lifestyle from the first year," he said.

Republika with LPS host a media gathering entitled "Menumbuhkan Kepercayaan Masyarakat Terhadap Perbankan Lokal (Raise people trust on banking institutions)" in Ayam Taliwang H Murad restaurant, Mataram on Tuesday (27/9). The next day (9/28), there will be a National Seminar on the LPS function and role in the Financial System Stability at the Unram, Mataram.

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