Selasa 04 Oct 2016 17:26 WIB

'Economic condition affects the implementation of peaceful regional elections'

Officer were preparing ballot boxes for the last 2015 regional election at General Election Commission's Warehouse, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Kamis (5/11).
Foto: Antara/Andreas Fitri Atmoko
Officer were preparing ballot boxes for the last 2015 regional election at General Election Commission's Warehouse, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Kamis (5/11).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Wiranto has expressed his hope that the upcoming regional head elections (Pilkada) 2017 will run safely and in an orderly manner. Simultaneous reginal elections to be held in 101 regions across the country,

Wiranto hopes that the Pilkada will run well, safely, successfully and in an orderly manner. "Safely, without any disturbance from any quarters; orderly, because everyone abides by the existing rules; and successfully, so that we can select competent leaders," Wiranto said here on Monday evening.

He pointed out that democracy could be implemented peacefully if a nation has entered an economic safe zone where income per capita reaches US$6.6 thousand. At present, Indonesia's income per capita is only around $3 thousand, which means that a great deal of effort is required to secure sound elections, Wiranto said. "This is a challenge for all of us," he said at the opening of a national congress of the United Development Party (PPP) at Ancol, which ends on Oct 5.

He is, however, optimistic that Indonesia's economy will improve and its people will understand their political rights better.

sumber : Antara
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