Rabu 05 Oct 2016 21:00 WIB

'Indonesia needs to improve human resources quality'

Indonesian has to improve the quality of its human resources to face global competition.
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Indonesian has to improve the quality of its human resources to face global competition.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Forum of Human Capital of Indonesia (FHCI) said Indonesia has to improve the quality of its human resources to face global competition. "Enrich knowledge and understanding of human capital activities in Indonesia in various aspects," general chairman of FHCI Herdy Harman said here on Wednesday.

Based on report of IMD World Talent Report 2015 and The Human Capitol Report 2015 , currently Indonesia ranks among the world middle level in human capital quality and below the average in ASEAN. Herdy said FHCI would hold a two-day IHC summit to start October 27 at the Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, Jakarta.

The summit would offer comprehensive program through panel discussions and other programs on human capital development, hoping that the discussion would inspire efforts to improve the quality of the country's human resources, he said. "It is time for Indonesia's young people with great talents to come forward bringing the country to a higher level. I am confident we have many talented people among our young people but they need grooming," he said.

He said young talented people should be able to open themselves to facing the prevailing development including in creative and digital world. A number of Indonesian leaders such as Minister for State Enterprises Rini Soemarno, Tourism Minister Arief Yahya and Labor Minister Hanif Dhakiri, Chief Executive of Telkom Indonesia Alex Sinaga, HCM Director of Telkomsel Priyantono Rudito would speak at the forum,

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