Rabu 12 Oct 2016 02:19 WIB

Indonesian children are exposed to pornography

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Antipornography (Illustration)
Foto: ROL
Antipornography (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR -- National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) Data has revealed of 4,500 teens in 12 cities in Indonesia, 97 percent of them was exposed to pornography. Of the 2,818 students, 60 percent of them have seen pornography. "Pornography is bad for children's brain development," said Komnas PA chairman Seto Mulyadi in event entitled parenting gathering in Bogor, West Java, on Tuesday (11/10).

According to Seto, pornography is a deviant behavior in children who lack supervision and attention from their parents and teachers. He mentioned, deviant behavior in children happened due to many causes. Uncontrolled activity, too busy parents, no communication, and the demands are too high are among the causes.

Beside that, violence on children, don't know the child's potential, ambition from their parents and teachers as well as discrimination also pay contribution to the behavior. "Deviant children are not behave. They bully, fight, rape, theft, illicit drugs, murder, robbery, free sex, running away from home, and pornography," he said.

Seto said, recently the parents must face sexual harassment. If the family can’t be heaven for child to grow, the child will be as victim by sexual perpetrators. "Communication related psycho-sexual needed to handle pornography. "Pornography is bad for the brain development in children," he said.

He said the children were directed to study not only the science of mathematics and other subjects, but also need to be taught moral education, ethics, and religion. Seto said, parents must learn to educate children well. They could read psychology books about children. "So parents should not easily provoked anger emotion," he said.

Seto emphasized the creation of child-friendly schools and homes and to encourage creative parents and teachers. "Creative parents and teachers can raise creative children," said Seto.

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