Selasa 25 Oct 2016 17:00 WIB

West Sumatra prepares coastal zoning regional regulation

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Padang Beach, West Sumatra
Foto: Antara
Padang Beach, West Sumatra

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG -- West Sumatra Provincial Government is still preparing for a Regional Regulation (Perda) related zoning of coastal areas and small islands. According to the Vice Governor of West Sumatra, Nasrul Abit, the regional regulation aimed to develop of small islands located in the districts/cities.

He said West Sumatra has 185 small islands both inhabited and uninhabited. With many small island, zoning is necessary so that the islands are well arranged in accordance with their respective functions. "It's a great potential, it needs good arrangement. We need to set through regional regulation, so it's spatial development are clear, whether for tourism, economic development nor marine," said Narsul, Monday (10/24).

With the existence of the perda, Nasrul added small islands in West Sumatra will be maintained so certain parties will not damage the island. "So, the wealth of coastal areas in island ecosystems and its natural resources will be maintained, so it will have economic value if utilized," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Sumatra Barat Fisheries and Maritime Affairs department (DKP) Yosmeri said the effort is in line with Law Number 23 Year 2014  local government that mentioned authorities of zoning the coastal areas and small islands have also been switched from the regency/city to West Sumatra Province.

Previously, according to Yosmeri, there had been a regency/municipality's draft zoning. Because the authority was transferred, then the regency/city only need to specify the point to be developed which then poured in recent legislation West Sumatra provincial government, so it can be used as a reference in the development of the tourism sector, fisheries, mining, and transportation of the estuary to the welfare of society.

Yosmeri hope, zoning regulation of coastal areas and small islands can be issued in 2017. "This is a serious step carried by the West Sumatra provincial government so that the regulation so it could be issued soon," he concluded.

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