Selasa 25 Oct 2016 18:13 WIB

Tere Liye releases Tentang Kamu, available in two languages

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Tere Liye launches Tentang Kamu. His new novel published by Republika Publisher and printed in two languages, bahasa and English. It will hit the market on Thursday (10/27).
Foto: Republika/Reiny Dwinanda
Tere Liye launches Tentang Kamu. His new novel published by Republika Publisher and printed in two languages, bahasa and English. It will hit the market on Thursday (10/27).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian novel author Tere Liye, has released a new novel titled Tentang Kamu (About You). Director of PT Pustaka Utama Abadi Bangsa or Republika Penerbit, Arys Hilman Nugraha, is very pleased to cooperate with the popular author Tere Liye.

Arys said Tentang Kamu was 15th novel from Tere Liye. "We hope to continue good ties with Tere Liye and to better our cooperation," said Arys in a press release on Tuesday (10/25).

Arys added novel Tentang Kamu told about the struggle of a poor, modest, patient and tough woman. She succeeded to be a millionaire with her wealth equals to the Queen Elizabeth II. The setting was not only in the Indonesia but also abroad.

Arys said Tere Liye is a best-seller author. "In Republika Publisher records, Tere Liye's works has sold one million copies since 2005," he said.

Tentang Kamu published in bahasa and English. Tere said this was one of creativity on his new novel. Tere said English version as important as Indonesian language (bahasa). It will be available in all bookstores simultaneously on Thursday (10/27).

This was also first time Republika Penerbit published a novel in two languages. General Manager Editor and Promo Republika Penerbit, Syahruddin El-Fikri, said Tentang Kamu will be marketed not only in Indonesia but also abroad. "For Indonesian and English versions in digital novel (e-book), the novel can be accessed through the Scoop application," said Syahruddin.

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